The year 2023 has been notably active and productive for our association, both in virtual and in-person activities.
The CANM has continued to provide its members with opportunities for continuous education through webinars and the annual conference.
We have also actively engaged in collaborations with several international organizations to further the field of Nuclear Medicine and benefit patients. Notable partners include SNMMI, EANM, ALASBIMN, SFMN, AIEA, as well as AMSMNQ and AOMN. I sincerely want to thank all our colleagues who generously dedicated their time to these activities.
We have also participated in meetings with the Royal College of Canada and Health Canada in the context of Nuclear Medicine expansion and quality preservation.
A major concern remains the need to significantly increase the training of new specialists and the shortage of technologists. We have not only maintained regular relationships with industry partners but also recognized their essential role in upholding our specialty.
Nuclear Medicine is experiencing significant growth in both diagnostics and theranostics, attracting new partners, including major pharmaceutical companies, who are now joining us to provide services to patients.
The CANM continues its mission to raise awareness about the added value of Nuclear Medicine, especially among the general public. For example, the CANM developed its own interactive map showcasing Canadian Nuclear Medicine centers, their staff, and the services offered at each center. Additionally, we have embarked on the modernization of our website the should be online early 2024.
Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all members of the board of directors for their generosity, competence, and unwavering commitment to our specialty. I would also like to, on your behalf, thank our general manager, Nicolas Rondeau Lapierre, for his invaluable contribution, as well as Hamady Sega Kante and Éric Thibaudeau for their valuable contributions.
Nuclear Medicine in Canada and worldwide holds a recognized and privileged position, thanks to all of you.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone, and already, the year 2024 promises to be just as active and stimulating.
Dr. François Lamoureux.